Monday 11th November
Give thanks for:
- That this autumn marks 10 years since Trinity was started. Thank God for his faithfulness in preserving us and building and growing us as a congregation over these 10 years.
- For those who’ve come to faith in Jesus, for those built up in their faith, for those who’ve gone on to serve him elsewhere, and all who have partnered with us in this work.
- For his wonderful and powerful gospel. It’s that gospel that has gathered us, is maturing us and equipping us to love and serve him and one another.
- For providing us with places to meet. Over the years we’ve met in pubs and community centres. Now we meet in a primary school on Sundays. It’s a brilliant venue – with room to grow. A cause for great thankfulness.
Please pray for:
- That the Lord Jesus and his work for us will remain central in all we do. Pray too that as we read the Scriptures and hear his voice, we would not harden our hearts, but get to know Christ better and make him better known.
- For Jacob Lees, our Full-time Evangelist and Minister for Outreach. He and Beth are expecting their first child next year. Pray for him and the Elders as we develop our outreach strategy. Pray for continuing fruit from the prison ministry, from the contact evangelism on the street and 1:1 Bible reading in cafes across the city.
- Not having a building ourselves, we’re feeling the pressure of lack of spaces for groups mid-week. Please pray for our Trustees and Elders as we look at imaginative ways to address this and for the resources to do so.