What we do

We are passionate about planting, strengthening and partnering for the salvation of many and the glory of God. We believe that the local church is where mission happens and so everything we do at AMiE seeks to promote and support gospel ministry in local churches.


Many of our churches started out as church plants and it has been a joy and privilege to see them grow over the years. We are convinced that England needs more churches and so we are committed to planting more churches. You can find more information about planting with AMiE here or you can view our 10:20 Planting Plan here.


We are continually looking for ways by which we can support and strengthen those who are on the ground doing frontline ministry.  Our annual conference provides spiritual, emotional and physical refreshment for church ministers, their wives and others on the leadership teams. We work hard to foster good relationships within the AMiE network where we can support and care for one another, sharing in the joys and trials of gospel ministry.

We are also aware of the need to identify and train up new leaders and church planters who are equipped with the skills, knowledge and experience. We have a number of men who are currently training for ordination through AMiE. If you are interested in finding out more about this, please click here.


We are grateful for the gospel fellowship we enjoy with our brothers and sisters in the global church. 

AMiE is a member of the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE), a proto-province authorised by the Gafcon Primates’ Council. Alongside our sister diocese, the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE), we are committed to proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations.

Our Partners
Anglican Missionary Congregations