The AMiE Executive Team

Monday 19th April

Bishop Andy – Please pray for perseverance through a long jury service, to take opportunities to bear witness to Christ, and to have wisdom in which calls it is important for him to make in limited time.

Membership Department – Please pray for churches that are exploring the possibility of joining AMiE and for Tim and James as they hold conversations with these churches.

Planting Department – Pray for potential new church plants this year; that the Lord would be pleased to establish new congregations. Pray that God would raise up the right people to lead these church plants.

Training Department – Please pray for the those exploring ordination with AMiE, for ordinands in training and for AMiE deacons who are to be ordained presbyters. Pray that the Lord would guide them and equip them for service. Pray for Jonathan as he oversees this training.

Women’s Ministry Department – Pray for Karen as she oversees Women’s Ministry. Give thanks that she has begun to get together a group of women to identify training needs. Please pray for us all as we work out what it means to partner together as men and women in the gospel and that the Tuesday leaders’ meeting would be helpful for this.

Strengthening Department – Pray for Matt as he leads the Strengthening Department and plans for how to develop this area further. Pray that the resources that are being prepared about lessons learnt from lockdown, would be of great benefit to the AMiE churches and others.

Operations – Please pray that we would continue to serve the AMiE churches as best we can and for preparations for AMiE Synod.

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