Praying for AMiE Churches this Advent (Part 2)

Monday 16th December

We’d love people to be praying for a couple of AMiE churches each day as they seek to share the good news of Jesus in the run up to Christmas. This is the second week of two.

Grace Community Church Bury

  • Thank God for yesterday’s Christmas Cracker event, that those who came would engage with the gospel.
  • For some more people to commit to the church in the next year.
  • For wisdom in planning for 2025.

Hope Church East Cowes

  • Thank God for our Gingerbread House building outreach evening with a gospel message on 10th December. Pray that this would be a great introduction to our church for many guests.
  • For our Family Pop-Up Nativity on 22nd December.
  • Our first ever Christmas Day service together.

Christ Church Newland, Hull

  • For our Christmas Party on 20th December. Pray it will be an event where people mix with people outside of their usual friendship groups. Pray for good integration of newer people.
  • For our Newland Nativity on 21st December. Lots of our midweek groups are participating in the nativity in some way. Pray that this will result in lots of guests coming to hear the gospel.
  • Thank God for our first carol service on 15th December and pray for our second one on 22nd December. Pray for courage as we go about inviting. Pray that people will be open to coming along. Pray that our Lord visits people with His salvation.

Hope Church Goldthorpe

  • For our candlelit carols on 19th December and pop-up nativity service on 22nd December.
  • That many guests who attended our wreath making event on 30th November will come back for our Christmas services. 
  • That we would be bold and loving in inviting others; that God would be softening hearts; that the Spirit would bring new life; for perseverance and joy in evangelism.

Cornerstone Church Colchester

  • Please do pray for our outreach events and Christianity Explored courses (which begin before Christmas and continue after) Wednesday 18 December – Carols with a Pint. Sunday 22 December – Carols with Crafts  Christmas Day 25 December – All Age Service in a home. Please do pray for our door to door visiting in the days ahead (7/12).
  • Please give thanks for our council weekend away (22-24/11) where we planned, in dependence on the Lord, our approach as a church for the next 5 years. Please pray for the finalisation of this and communication to the church family, by preaching on 5/1, and throughout the Spring.  
  • We have much to celebrate at Christmas. Do pray for us all that we would each know the joy of celebrating Jesus’ birth, that we would use our Christmas devotional as a church in advent, and devote ourselves to praise Him both at our watchnight service on 31/12 and in 2025!

Hope Church Tyneside

  • Give thanks for bold inviting and a clear gospel talk from Lindsey Letts at our recent Christmas wreath events on 30th November. Most who came were not part of the Hope Church family. People loved the event and listened carefully to the gospel talk. Pray for the Lord to open their hearts to receive the Gospel message.
  • Pray for fruit from two events in Wallsend library on two successive Saturday mornings – 7th and 14th December. These two events are aimed at toddlers/ younger families. Both are low-key evangelistic events, but there will be a short nativity play / family talk at each. Pray the Lord would move 1-2 families to want to look into the Christian faith more carefully, perhaps by using John 121.
  • Pray Romans 15:13 for the church family – that the Holy Spirit would fill us with joy and peace as we dwell on the incarnation of the Lord Jesus – and cause us to long for his second coming in glory. Come Lord Jesus!

Christ Church Riverside, Hull

  • For gospel fruit from our Primetime (seniors) Christmas lunch and our church evangelistic quiz that took place on the 6th December. Pray that unbelievers at the quiz will read the gospel of Luke over Christmas.
  • For fruit in our outreach in the primary school as we share the real Christmas story with all of the KS1 students and staff in their last week of term
  • For our Network carol service on the 22nd and then our own Community Carol service on the 24th, that many guests would be invited, would come, and would come under deep conviction as the gospel is proclaimed.

Holy Trinity Gateshead

  • Boldness in inviting our friends, neighbours, colleagues, and family members to come and ‘Discover the Wonder’ of Jesus this Christmas time, as we share the joy of the first coming of Jesus from the book of Isaiah.
  • The glorious light of Jesus to shine into the darkness of people’s lives for the first time, bringing many to new life in His name, particularly as we partner with 2 other local churches to run a Carol service in a local park.
  • Energy, grace, and protection for our staff team and volunteers in the busyness of this Christmas season.

Christ Church Salisbury

  • For our Carol Service on 21st December. For people to come and to receive the good news of Jesus.

Grace Church Windsor

  • Pray for the ongoing work of the Spirit in the hearts of guests who came to our carol service last Sunday
  • Pray for our pop-up nativity service this coming Sunday, and especially that families from our Toddler Group and Kids’ Club would join us
  • Pray for Gospel joy and clarity as we lead a joint service on Christmas morning with the URC congregation whose building we meet in

Christ Church South Cambs

  • Give thanks for the 30+ guests who attended our Christmas wreath making evening on 30th November. Pray that many would continue to reflect on Jesus being the gift they never knew they needed (John 3:16).
  • Give thanks for our evening carol service (8th December) and Nativity Service (15th December). Pray that these might lead to new folk coming regularly in 2025.
  • Pray that we will all be able to celebrate the promise of peace found in Romans 5:1-5 at our Christmas Day service. This is part of a series looking at Christmas carols and the truths they teach. The featured carol will be ‘It came upon the midnight clear’.

Grace Church Sydenham

  • For our High Street Carols on Saturday 7th Dec when we will be handing out invitations to our Christmas Services: (our Nativity service 15th) and (Carol service on 22nd Dec) – for guests to come and receive the good news of Christmas
  • We’ve also asked everyone to try to give away 3 John’s gospels over December – pray that some will find their way to those God is calling to himself
  • Pray for our ongoing High Street walk-up evangelism every Monday lunchtime – for boldness, good conversations and spiritual hunger

Christ Church South Devon

  • Our interactive Nativity service on 22nd December, for church family members to be bold and successful in inviting friends and family to hear the good news of Christmas.
  • Our planned January Hope Explored course to fill up, and for God to use it to bring people to trust in Christ.
  • Our ongoing search for long-term premises locally so we can continue to serve our local area with the gospel.

Grace Church Newton Hall

  • Please pray for our outreach to our local communities in Durham, both through events that have already happened (a Gingerbread House Decorating Evening and a children’s Christmas Party) and those still to happen (Carols on 22nd December, Christingle on Christmas Eve).
  • Pray for our church family to rejoice before the Lord as with joy at the harvest as we reflect on Isaiah 9 in the build up to Christmas.  Pray especially for those for whom Christmas will be hard this year.
  • Pray for our follow up from Christmas in the New Year – that we would be able to reconnect with those who came to events over Christmas, and that the Lord would lead people to turn to serve the true and living God.

Christ Church Stockport

  • Please pray for those who have engaged with our Christmas events. Particularly pray for the visitors who have joined us for our Youth Posh Nosh, Christmas Craft Event and Carol Service and family nativity that they would respond to the invite to explore more of Jesus.
  • Pray that as the good news of Christmas is sung, read, taught and explained Christians would be strengthened in their faith, non-Christians would be moved to learn more and that we would all delight more in the wonder of Christmas.
  • Please pray that as we provide Christmas hampers for the service users at Walthew House (the charity whose building we meet in) and some local refugees, that through the hampers they would see something of Gospel generosity and that they would find joy in them this Christmas.

Cornerstone Church Grays

  • Please pray for the Candlelight Carol service to be full of gospel joy and hope.
  • Please pray that God will use the nativity service to plant the gospel further into the hearts of our children.
  • For invitations (made personally and through a leaflet drop) to be used by the Lord as part of him drawing people to himself.

Christ Church Walkley

  • Please pray for those guests who have attended our advent wreath-making events (29th & 30th Nov), our Carol Service (15th) & our Toddler group Christmas special (20th). 
  • Please pray for the people in the wider community who were present for our Carol singing in a local hospital and our local pub. 
  • Please pray for our 321 course starting in January.

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