Monday 20th February
Give thanks for:
- For a few newcomers (some Christian, some not yet) joining us since we launched as Hope Church in May 2022.
- For our growing love for one another and our growing zeal to serve one another and work together to reach out with the Gospel. The Holy Spirit is at work!
- For giving us wisdom as we’ve worked hard to set down structural foundations as a church family (safeguarding, membership, eldership, Church Council constitution and more!).
Please pray for:
- A> Arrivals – We are praying for the Lord to send us other Christians (even just one family or 3-4 individuals) to come and help us in our gospel ministry. I thank God for the ‘all hands on deck’ approach the church family have to church life, but we could do more gospel ministry with more hands!
- B> Building – We pray for the gospel to spread rapidly and be honoured in Wallsend. Having a permanent ‘base’ for gospel ministry would be an enormous help, if the Lord wills. Pray for our heavenly Father to graciously provide us with this in his own perfect timing.
- C> Conversions – We have a couple of folk we know well who are seriously engaged with the gospel message. May the Lord open their eyes to the truth.