Cornerstone Church Colchester

Monday 3rd February

Give thanks for:

  • We continue to be so thankful for the Lord’s provision to meet at the Rover’s Tye Pub and the good relationship we have with the management.
  • We are full of joy for our first baptism of a new believer on February 9th and we long to see more people converted as well as for Christians to join us.

Please pray for:

  • As we grow we are seeking to fill the pub, and outgrow the pub. This means that we are considering venues that may either be additional to the pub or as a regular alternative. We need to find an alternative venue as the pub goes through a refurbishment from April 20th to May 4th. Please pray that the Lord would open a door for an additional venue, preferably in a local primary school as well as for venues to meet “in the home” for our Lord’s Supper and fellowship lunch as we grow.
  • We are thinking through developing our teams to remain relational as we grow. Please pray for a leader for our welcome team and for wisdom in setting this team up. Volunteers have been working sacrificially to administrate the church, but we are aware that with only one staff member, we need some part-time administrators. Please pray for the recruitment and enabling of these people so that the administration of the church is not a burden on volunteers. Do pray for our gift day on May 11th, that the Lord would provide for the future he is calling us to.
  • We are committing ourselves to a period of fasting and prayer during Lent to seek him and depend on him. May we be devoted to prayer (Colossians 4:2). Pray that our hunger for him and his saving work amongst us, grows, to his glory.

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