Monday 21st October
Give thanks for:
- For our recent away day in Histon, near Cambridge. We had around 80 church family attending, with talks from John 6 and John 15, on Jesus being the bread of life and the true vine. It was a really encouraging chance to spend time together. We are very grateful to our visiting speaker Andy Kearns and a team from fellow AMiE church Christ Church Huntingdon, who led the children’s work.
- For two new elders, Richard Meiser-Stedman and James David, who were commissioned on Sunday 13th October. It is a real answer to prayer to have them join the team and see their willingness to serve.
- For new people looking to join our church. We currently have two couples doing a Discipleship Explored course.
Please pray for:
- For Richard and James, and their families, as they grow into their new roles.
- For continued good relations with Sawston Village College, where we meet for our Sunday services and for our older youth group. The school will soon be having major building works, and we’d love to still be able to use the site during that time.
- For our structures. We have grown significantly in numbers over recent years. Please pray for wisdom for our elders, staff and trustees as we work out how best we can be making and maturing disciples of Christ for the glory of God.