Christ Church Salisbury

Monday 9th October

Give thanks for:

  • That the recent launch of our new “Men’s Ministry” has been so well received, and ask that plans for the next six months would be blessed of God.
  • For sending a number of Christians and non-Christians our way in August, and give thanks that they are still with us.
  • That those young folk who have completed their schooling and left for further studies or work have all found faithful, strong churches to join.

Please pray for:

  • Preaching: That the preaching of God’s word, as we start our new series on Matthew’s Gospel, would be faithful, encouraging and God-honouring.
  • Visitors: That those seeking a new church would settle in, and that those exploring the faith would “confess and believe” (Rom 10:9-10).
  • Young folk who have moved on: That they would be an “aroma of Christ” (2 Cor 2:15) in their new places of study/work/worship.

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