Monday 5th July
Give thanks for:
- For the joy and delight of having all in our church family worshipping together in person, in our building. If nothing else, this time has taught us all just how precious it is to be able to gather together, offering a service of praise to our Saviour.
- For God’s answer to prayer in providing an Assistant Minister, who (Lord willing) should join us in September.
- That the restart of our toddler group (Tots & Toys) has seen a number of new young mums and toddlers come along.
Please pray for:
- That our new Assistant Minister and his family would soon find a home to rent in Salisbury, and that they would quickly be able to settle into life with CCS.
- That the encouraging start of our Mercy Ministry team’s efforts in reaching out to our elderly neighbours on 31/7 with an afternoon tea, would see good relationship built and people brought to Christ, and that Tots & Toys would be similarly blessed.
- That Mark Payne’s ordination service on 11th July would be a time of great blessing and encouragement.