AMiE Standing Committee

Monday 31st January

Give thanks for:

  • Thank God that they are all different and bring different skills and insight to the team.
  • Thank God for our newest member – Terri.

Please pray for:

  • Pray for the planning of the AMiE conference in March. That it would be well supported, that it would be a great time of feeding and energising. That God would speak powerfully to us as a convocation.
  • Pray for the Standing Committee as they work together to seek God’s guidance and plans for AMiE. Thank God that they are all different and bring different skills and insight to the team.
  • Pray that they would work well together, be effective in their work, pray faithfully that God would enable them to be diligent in this important role.
  • Pray that everyone would feel that their contributions matter.
  • Each of the SC members link to an executive team area. Pray that the SC members would get to know their respective ET well, that relationships would develop and deepen and that this working together – and the enhanced communication that comes from this – will enrich both the work of the ET and the work of the SC.
  • There is much to do on the SC, which requires work to be done outside of meetings by email and virtually. Pray that everyone would be diligent as they go about this work.

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