Monday 8th August
Give thanks for:
- For his word which brings us all together and is unchanging – this is the sole reason for this new venture and please pray that this will always be the driving force and the uniting force.
- For everything he has given in the short life of this church – for a brilliant village hall, for some generous funding, for curious visitors, for willing volunteers who make it all work.
- For land that hasn’t been ploughed in a long time and presents great opportunities – there hasn’t been any significant church activity in Cliffsend where we meet for some time, nor is there anything else in the village which constitutes a community hub. Thus, it would be great to fill that gap.
Please pray for:
- For courage to never swerve from the truth both as a church and individuals – renting a public venue always brings with it risks that suddenly, due to faithfully preaching the word, we are suddenly not welcome. Pray that scenario won’t detract from adherence to truth.
- That we would continue to rely on God’s provision even if that means on a month-to-month basis – being small, we are still reliant on outside funding, and this is a continual activity. Trusts meet at different times in the year and different frequencies, so its very hard to budget accurately.
- For patience and faith as the land is very hard and positive results may take some time before we see fruit – to say our arrival in the village has been undervalued is no exaggeration. We are realising that significant results will take time – God willing. Pray for that patience and more importantly for new people – especially families to wonder in.