Christ Church Riverside, Hull

Monday 19th February

Give thanks for:

  • Thank God for continued growth in the number of people belonging to Life Groups (mid-week groups).
  • Praise God for the number of unbelievers who regularly come to the Primetime (seniors) coffee mornings and for the many gospel conversations and invites that go on there.
  • Thank God for the recent parenting picnic focused on helping us to communicate God’s love to our children.

Please pray for:

  • Pray that those in the newest Life Group will grow in love for God and one another and that God will give us wisdom as we seek to raise up Life Group leaders for the future.
  • Pray that the church family will be active in inviting unbelievers to our evangelistic guest service on the 25th and to the “Big Questions” evenings happening weekly for 4 weeks afterwards. Pray for new believers to be made through these endeavours.
  • Praise God for a good launch of our “Future Fund” and pray for his wisdom and provision as we look at the next steps for finding a building of our own in our local area.

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